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Kickstarter: Unlocking accessibility

On Tuesday, June 13th, we invite you to an intriguing conversation about accessibility intersecting with design, strategy, and development. Kickstart your day in the company of our talented UX Designer, Celina Nyborg Thomsen, Senior Designer, Louise From, and Lead Engineer, Daniel Plejdrup Schmidt. Together, they have prepared three presentations that will spark a discussion about the importance of creating solutions that cater to all users.

EventsRosenvængets Alle 11, 2100 København13.06.2023
Kl. 07.00

Have you ever thought about whether your solutions are accessible to all users? You should, because accessible design is not only a necessity for some, but a benefit for everyone!

In fact, up to 30% of the Danish population in the age group 16-64 is not able to use our digital solutions at the same level as the rest of Denmark. As designers, developers, and strategic leaders, we are responsible for creating solutions that consider people with different needs - from visual impairments to mental health challenges.

But how can we ensure that our solutions cater to all users? Is it worth investing in accessibility? It definitely is! Accessible design is not only more inclusive but can also lead to better user experiences and higher satisfaction among your users.

That's why we invite you to participate in the kick-off of an important dialogue about accessibility. On June 13th, we will share our reflections and experiences and provide concrete examples of how to work with accessibility in practice. Join us and be inspired to create better solutions for all users, and let's focus on inclusion and accessibility in the design world.

We promise that in addition to good company and delicious croissants, you will take home something to think about:

  • Accessibility at a strategic level - how and why to incorporate accessibility into the full workflow?

  • The design process - how to ensure an excellent user experience by including all user needs?

  • Development of accessible solutions - how to work with accessibility in practice?

You are welcome at 8:45 am, where you can grab a cup of coffee or tea and find a good spot.

This event is particularly relevant for digital designers, product owners, web developers, testers, strategic leaders, and the like.

Note: This event is in English

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