An app that brings citizens closer to their health data
Behind Sundhed.dk are Danish regions, the Ministry of Interior and Health and the National Association of Municipalities. The portal provides health data to citizens and health professionals and ensures communication between them. We helped Sundhed.dk developing the citizen-facing app, MinSundhed, and used our extensive experience with UX strategy, concept development and app design.
Communicate clearly to a wide range of citizens
Health data is conveyed in medical terms, so it can be quite difficult to access, and it can look very different, depending on how complex the citizen's case is. And although transparency and accessibility were overall ambitions of the app, there is information that should not be received alone without talking to a health care professional. This was the starting point for the task of creating simple and comprehensible communication for the very broad target group, which is the entire population.

An app for all of Denmark, based on extensive research
The app is used by many citizens every day, and during the Corona pandemic, where it was used to see test results and Corona passports, design and usability really stood the test and the user-centered approach to development came into its own. The app was designed based on extensive research into the needs and behavior of the target group. Based on the identified user profiles and scenarios, we developed UX strategy and concept, which was user tested and formed the starting point for the final design.

Co-creation and coordination between multiple parties
The development of the app took place in close collaboration between Charlie Tango, sunhed.dk and the technical partners. In addition to integrating knowledge and anchoring the project in the organisation, the close collaboration was necessary to meet the tight deadline and launch on time. Research, UX strategy, concept and design were carried out in parallel with development and content production, and a lot of energy was therefore put into co-creation and close coordination between the various disciplines and activities.

The timeline works well. I can easily get an overview of my pregnancy with tests and the examinations I've had.