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A typical day @Charlie Tango

A stone's throw from Trianglen, we are about 60 geeky minds designing, implementing, coding and laughing every day. One of those heads is Alf Arén - UI designer on a number of our projects. Alf has been with us for a year and a half, following his time at Dinesen and SimpleFeast and a longer independent career. He has mastered the flexible working day; his schedule is tailored to his personal efficiency curve and lifestyle. On top of that, he's the office DJ. Read below to see what a typical day as a designer at Charlie Tango looks like for Alf!


06.00: I like to get a lot out of the day, so this is when I typically get up. I switch on some music, call my grandma and get ready to go to work!

06.45: I cycle to the office through Amor Park. I live about 15 minutes away, so it's a short ride.

07.00: I'm typically one of the first to arrive at the office - it's always 50/50 whether it's me or Patrick who has to turn of the alarm. We put a funky playlist on the speakers and have breakfast together - there's always fresh bread from the neighbouring bakery, but I'm more of a skyr fan.

07.15: I get a quick start to my day. The morning hours are the most efficient for me - so I enjoy using this time to answer emails and take care of administrative tasks before most of my colleagues walk through the door around 9am.

09.00: Every Monday I have a status meeting with my colleague Morten, who is a UX designer on the same projects as me. We review the tasks from the previous week and make a plan for the week ahead.

09.15: After the meeting, I work independently on a customer project. Most often this involves creating new page designs that build on the client's existing design DNA. My dad also typically calls and interrupts me around here!

11.00: Since I start work early, almost half of my day is gone by this time - and I'm one of the first to hit the canteen's lunch buffet. If the weather is nice, I enjoy my lunch in the sun with some colleagues.

11.20: Re-energised, I take the lift back up to the office and grab a Ramlösa and a sweet from the secret sweet cabinet.

11.30: After lunch, I start another project for the same client. It varies a biit whether I work on one project or switch during the day. I'm only assigned to one customer, but it can be several different projects.

12.00: I have a meeting with an external UXer, where we usually go through workshops and insights - and agree on which directions the design should go in, or any adjustments that need to be made.

15.00: I'm cycling home!

15.15: I recently launched a big and important personal project - GRETHE. I produce and sell perfumes inspired by Anholt. Although it requires a bit of extra work, I enjoy having more places to apply my creativity - it energises me and gives me new sources of inspiration. I usually spend a couple of hours on it when I get home: emails, orders and events.

16.00: I go to the gym. Some days I work out in the morning and some days in the afternoon.

18.00: Typically, I jump in the water at Svanemøllen and have dinner with friends before hitting the sack at home!

We have vacancies if you'd like to be Alf's colleague. Apply here! To see more of office life at Charlie Tango, follow us on Instagram.

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