Charlie Tango at Folkemødet 2023
Folkemødet is a celebration of democracy, and the approximately 2,800 events taking place over three days all reflect the democratic agenda of society. Technology is an essential part of this, and some of the aforementioned events are about the impact of technology on democracy and society as a whole. At Charlie Tango, we love democracy and we love technology. So, of course, we're there, and we've sent Kasper Saunders Bang to listen, meet interesting people and participate in the debates.

We are particularly interested in three topics:
1) The digital inclusion agenda. How do we approach the challenge of creating equal and democratic access for all citizens to public services in a thoroughly digitised public sector?
2) AI and the impact of mega-events such as the introduction of ChatGPT. In particular, how to lead and transform organisations to operate in an ""AI world"" where transformation is happening at an unprecedented pace.
3) The recruitment and competency issue. Beyond the obvious shortage of IT hands, how do you create an education sector that is able to meet the demand for skills in a rapidly changing world?
What the three topics have in common is that they are not about technology per se, but about the practical implications of technology for society and the organisations and businesses that populate it. The questions are wholly or partially complementary.
It just underlines how important it is to see public digitalisation as more than just technology, and to have the dialogues ""about everything else"" that is needed to make public digitalisation work efficiently and usefully.
Fortunately, we think a lot about this at Charlie Tango, and we actively use it in our public projects such as Voter Declarations and Citizen Proposals.